2011-04-19 Version 4.0.2 released - support for Line Indent in text elements - support for new line spacing options in text elements - support for left and right spacing in text elements - support for after and before spacing for paragraphs in textfields - support for tab spaces in textfields - Fixed Bug 18666 - mac version preview doesn't work => Done - Fixed Bug 21775 - [Case #17829] Upgrade notice dialog => Done - Fixed Bug 19790 - hiding built-in parameter and variables in expression editor (built-in objects will be actually just put at the bottom of the list) => Done - Fixed Bug 21143 - add field label when dropping a field into a report (already implemented in part) => Done - Fixed Bug 21818 - [Case #18024] Evaluate template expression => Done - Fixed Bug 21845 - [Case #18036] Cannot move field in tree => Done - Fixed Bug 21932 - export jar returns 'permission denied '=> Done - Fixed Bug 21335 => Done - Fixed Bug prevenyin Show Labels in Pie and Pie3D => Done - Fixed Bug 22765 - ic display options incomplete => Done - Fixed Bug 22766 - improve working with jrtx files => Done 2011-02-28 Version 4.0.1 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Support for new CSV and namespace aware query executers - Fixed Bug 20917 - Single-character typo in tooltip for Stretch With Overflow - Fixed Bug 21935 - Copy and Paste Variables not Working - Fixed Bug 22299 - cut & paste instead of copy & paste - Fixed Bug 21969 - Can't copy & paste a Variable - Fixed Bug 21931 - iReport application name on Mac should be shorter - Fixed 0005038 "Bring to Front" and "Send to Back" are broken - Fixed 0005036 unable to copy/paste variable - Fixed Bug 18724 - preview menu - Fixed Bug 19791 - JS plugin and custom query executors - Fixed Bug 17988 - improve drag & drop behavior - Fixed Bug 18717 - behavior when adding a non-renderable image - Fixed Bug 18721 - column separator not visible - Fixed Bug 18723 - ui improvement: print order property - Fixed Bug 18724 - preview menu - Fixed Bug 18725 - crosstab groups datatype not editable in properties panel - Fixed Bug 18726 - crosstab - group name allows space - Fixed Bug 18727 - adding measure via UI causes error in report problems window - Fixed Bug 17888 - [Case #11604] Import settings does not really work on Linux - Fixed 0004640: Integer variables can't count unless you close/reopen report 2011-01-10 Version 4.0.0 released _______________________________________________________________________________ 21066 [Case #16386] Intermittant update problem with default values in XML editor 21520 Default setting for MaxPermSize in ireportpro.conf should be added 21806 [Case #18014] Exception when using Add Jar in iReport 21816 [Case #18020] Unexpected <Different Values> written into jrxml expression 20424 Display the new name Jaspersoft iReport Designer 21735 iReport Pro 4.0 Mac needs a good icon 20864 Report properties - "Top of Page" should be "In Page" 20866 [Case #16282] The roundup function for a number's pattern doesn't work properly 21115 Font extensions not createable in iReport 3.7.6 21239 Error when run report in xls export format 21240 Error while editing resource that has folder type 21534 iReport should be updated to be consistent with the new "JasperReport" terminology 21541 Product naming issues in iReport 21054 [Case #14447] iReport unable to read fields from Oracle DB when parameters of type "Date" or "Timestamp" included 2010-10-31 Version 3.7.6 released (Happy Halloween!) _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed import settings on Mac and Linux - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.6 - Fixed Bug 18273 iReport's built-in SQL editor cannot display Japanese characters - Fixed Bug 20106 copy & paste does not work - Fixed Bug 11216 [Case #6129] Cannot get 2 datasources to work with master-subreport in iReport - Fixed Bug 19739 [Case #14127] Subreports cannot be referenced in german environment - Fixed Bug 14362 typo on SQL Leonardo message - Fixed Bug 17125 Win 7: Query designer background is balck - Fixed Bug 4329: Datasource fields not listed in the wizard - No such parameter SORT_FIELDS problem fixed (JasperReports 3.7.6) - Added support for Domain Axis Min/Max value exportssions for bar and other charts - Added support for Ignore Width property in the List component - Updated to SQLeonardo 2009.03.rc1 - Updated to Groovy 1.7.5 2010-09-22 Version 3.7.5 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.5 - Support for sorting using variables - Improved graphical representation of columns and allowed areas - Added support for Right To Left columns filling - Added support for chart customizer class to the Spider chart - Ability to add and basically modify parameters from the query dialog - Fixed Bug 0004878: Series Colors does not Take Effect if User Modifies the Order Only - Ability to drag multiple fields in the detail band - Fixed Bug 18753 - [Case #13793] creating column header automatically - Fixed Bug 0004738: Retriving fields using JRDataSourceProvider error - Fixed Request 0004883: Support for import static - Fixed Bug 18685 - data source set to empty data source - Fixed Bug 18686 - transform to static text - Fixed Bug 18687 - unexpected drag & drop behavior - Fixed Bug 18665 - hide built in parameters - Fixed Bug 17990 - improve right click - Fixed Bug 16006 - Align iReport and JS naming pattern for copied resources - Fixed Bug 18023 - [Case #12211] iReport CE issue: Null Pointer Exception when selecting report in Favorites 2010-07-20 Version 3.7.4 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.4 - Support for the Spider Chart component of JasperReports 3.7.4 - Added ability to import an XML/A data source from JasperServer to iReport - Support for server certificates when connecting to an https instance of JasperServer. - Fixed Bug 9809 - TOE - Shouldn't manditory in the plug-in for a input control apply always prompt in JasperServer? - Fixed 0004754: Can not modify parameters of Table component - Fixed Bug 17473 - Domain Plugin: can't select domain as data source in add report unit wizard - Fixed Bug 17276 - [Case #11062] Allow multiple input controls to be linked at a time in JS plugin - Added support for Markup property in styles 2010-06-02 Version 3.7.3 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Mew massive processing tool to compile a set of jrxml or make changes to a jrxml - Transform to Barcode menu item (to transform iR 3.0 image based barcodes to new barcode elements - Fixed Bug 17890 - [case #12198]Oracle plugin in iReport - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.3 - New data preview panel - Bug 17583 - Column width causes error message in iReport - New file resolver to run locally a jrxml which references images on a JasperServer repository - Fixed 0004713: space in subreport name (foldername) fails - Fixed 0004715: The text of LICENSE_ireport.txt is incomplete - Fixed 0004718: Crosstab/Column Header/Header Position - Fixed bug 0004724: Fonts installation settings overridden - Fixed cell location calculation when total position is set to NONE - Added support for Header position in column/row groups in crosstab (RFE 0004725) - Added the print when expression for the table columns 2010-04-12 Version 3.7.2 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - New Wood template - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.1 - Updated POI to poi-3.5-FINAL-20090928 - New options to avoid to save zoom and position of the designer - Pluggable editors support - New Dataset Wizard - New ability to use CSV and Excel datasources with the report the wizard - New PPTX exporter - New fonts extension generator (no longer based on Spring) - Support for the new Table Component - Improved Expression Editor performaces when working with a large number of fields - Fixed bug 10403 JS plugin does not maintain a session - Fixed bug 17812 [Case #10545] Compiling sub-reports that are not in the same folder/subfolder as master report doesn't work - Fixed bug 17050 [Case #10772] Cannot open .jasper in version v3.6.2 - Fixed bug 17727 invalid image height crashes iReport (reproducable) - Fixed bug 14912 [case #9151]The ability to reset styles default setting in iReport - Fixed bug 17907 iReport - prevent the use of the reloadbale flag when the path entry is not a jar - Fixed bug 17259 Chart Theme issue - Fixed bug 17334 [Case #11175] textField pattern dialog box displays incorrect values - Fixed bug 17383 [case # 11308]iReport creates blank fieldDescription causing AdHoc display blank field - Fixed bug 17697 [Case #12009] No validation on Remote XML connection in iReport - Fixed bug 17728 typo: columng footer - Fixed bug 17729 PieChart Dataset Others section instable - Fixed bug 17875 Report wizard resets the default data source - Fixed bug 17876 [case # 12422]iReports UI does not show 3D Pie Chart max slice count setting correctly - Fixed bug 17879 Typos in descriptions in Flower template - Fixed bug 17884 Report wizard should gracefully handle a report template with now column header band - Fixed bug 17833 [case #12283]iReport incorrectly trying to fix a repository reference - Fixed bug 17189 [Case #10983] incorrect font family name sansserif - Fixed bug 17579 [case 11452] Wizard does not create a report with grouping on Blank template - Fixed bug 17880 Typo in Leaf Gray template - Fixed bug 0004485 [Bugs iReport - NB] ESC Key - Fixed bug 0004609 [Bugs iReport - NB] Connections / Datasources cant be modified - Fixed Show Grid action and Font size combo box. - Added visual support for Generic Elements - Added support for Layers to show/hide set of fields and set a common printWhenExpression - Added support for XML/A connections when using the mdx language and the mdx field mapping tool - Fixed bug 17221 - ReportExecution hyperlink parameters should expose report Fields, Params, Variables 2010-02-02 Version 3.7.1 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.1 - Fixed bug 0004548: when <crosstabHeaderCell> tag added to crosstab, rest of the elements will be displaced - Added samples to the Help menu - Added wizardas for pie and category datasets based charts - fixed JasperServer plugin to avoid import of images referenced with an url inside the JasperServer repository - New Callouts/notes tool to review or add comments to a report (in design mode) - New report samples are now shipped with iReport. - Alphabetical sorting for variables, parameters and fields - Remember ZoomFactor and design position with JRXML - Sample DB shipped with iReport (Help -> Samples -> Run Sample Database) - Fixed Bug 0004543 Copy/Paste Variable = JRRuntimeException - Fixed Bug 0004492 Line component shows a exception when the 'pen propertie' is selected - Fixed Bug 0004490 Exception occurs when I select "Tools > Options > iReport" (Linux specific) - Fixed min percentage value in the PieDataset panel - Fixed Bug 0004498 Group lists not updated in variable properties - Fixed Bug 0004491 Unclosable Connections/Datasources window in certain window managers - Remember window size of the query dialog, F11 to maximize/restore the dialog - JAVA_HOME check at startup if a JVM is not found in the Windows registry - New shortcut F2 to open the expression editor for a selected textfield - Fixed a problem about keeping custom JRProperty values - Fixed Bug 17251 - Remote XML file datasource Test button always returns successful - Fixed drag and drop from the XML mapping tool to the list of fields in the query dialog. - Improved XML fields provider to work with remote XML data sources. 2009-12-09 Version 3.7.0 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed Bug 0004452 Settings import fails to import - Updated to JasperReports 3.7.0 - Support for the new custom property "net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.id" added at element level - Fixed Bug 0004435 Database Connection Resets - Fixed Bug 0004396 Option dialog - the topmost classpath item can't be moved - Fixed Bug 0004404 Dataset parameter can't be altered - Added a Warning message while adding a report using xmla-mdx query language on JasperServer (mdx must be used instead). 2009-11-24 Version 3.6.2 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed Bug 0004394 iReport 3.6.1 options throws NullPointerException - Fixed Bug 0004399 Reports using Xpath are failling in iReport 3.6.1 but working fine in 3.6.0 - Fixed Bug 0004383 Connection closed after preview - Fixed Bug 0004428 "No query executer factory class registered" when opening report - Fixed Bug 0000839 Support for $P!{} parameters in SQL - New properties to control the chart Vertical Tick Labels - Several fixes for the TXT exporter - New feature to import settings from another iReport installation - Support for Keep Together property of groups - New settings import wizard - New Ignore Cell Background export option for XLS/XLSX - Full support for JasperReports 3.6.2 - Support for OrderByExpression in the crosstab bucket - Support for the new group property "Footer position" and "KeepTogether" - Fixed the font extensions exporter - Fixed editable hyperlink target - Added support for cascading input control (available in Jasperserver Professional) - Fixed the import of custom iReport connections from XML - Fixed a problem setting the JasperReports properties leading in an error using XPath based reports 2009-10-28 Version 3.6.1 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - New command line option (-N) to disable the use of a network - New font combo box on the text toolbar - Moved to the NetBeans platform 6.5.1 - Added the SubreportOpenerProvider interface to plug custom subreport opening logic - New XLS (Excel) datasource - New OpenDocument Spreadsheet exporter added (ODS) - New XLSX exporter - New TrueType font management - Wizard to import TrueType Fonts - Wizard to create JasperReports font extensions - Improved JasperReports properties internal management - Full support for JasperReports 3.6.1 - Support for horizontal filling of the List components (printOrder property) - Support for the new isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter property in the report properties - Fixed Bug 16524 Styles library not working. - Fixed bug 14773 JS Plug-in should handle creation of links to images in the repository already - Fixed bug 15629 Would like dialog to move style references to repo: as for images - Fixed bug 15960 Can not delete server entry from Repository Navigator - Fixed bug 15962 Incorrect visual crosstab formatting in iReport 3.5.0+ - Fixed bug 16565 Chart Details UI - Percentage spelled incorrectly - Fixed bug 16566 Sort Options shows arrows in the wrong direction - Fixed bug 14473 weird behaviour - fields are all set to transparent - Fixed bug 14456 handling of resource bundles with JS plugin incomplete - Fixed bug 15915 groupFooter deleted by iReport / compatibility settings - Fixed bug 16470 iReport JasperServer plugin must allow a report unit to have no data source - Fixed bug 0004044: Crosstab "column total" header has drag-drop and display bug - Fixed bug 0004020 wrong barcode type added when using barcode4j Code128 - Fixed bug 0004301 $X Clause Not Recognized in iReport 3.6.0 - Fixed bug 0004044 Crosstab "column total" header has drag-drop and display bug - Fixed bug 0004045 iReport does not remember previously-used integer and collection prompt-for-value report parameters - Fixed bug 0000943 Make mouse wheel work in SQL edit dialog - Fixed bug 0003785 Right-click OPEN SUBREPORT does nothing - Fixed bug 0004342 New barcode4j Code128 barcode converts to Codabar - Fixed bug 0004349 "System" calculation type in a "return value" variable - Fixed bug 0003776 [Patches] Fix for problem when no language in a WizardFieldsProvider - Fixed bug 0003909: Property values (selectable) dont show on Mac OS X - Fixed bug 0003768: Unable to start iReport-NB from network share 2009-09-02 Version 3.6.0 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed bug 0003991 ClassPath Library for JasperReports netBeans plugin missing files. - Fixed bug 0004216 iReport 3.5.3 image height set to 0 causes exception - Fixed bug 0004270 "Code39(Extended)" vs. "Code39 (Extended)" - Fixed bug 0004196 Missing Expression ID for Barcode Component - Support for JasperReports 3.5.3 - Fixed subreport wizard - Fixed bug 15662: "Transform in" should be "Transform to" 2009-08-03 Version 3.5.3 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Modified ireport.exe to fix a problem when missing the user app data registry key - Feature Req 0000941: iReport should compile automatically all referenced sub reports - Feature Req 0004151: Support for the XHTML Exporter of JasperReports - Feature Req 0004147: Support for the .docx exporter of JasperReports - Feature Req 0000942: Add XML Preview in iReports - Feature Req 0003596: dialog to edit jasperreports.properties file - Fixed bug 0003671: Under Linux Acrobat cannot find preview pdf - Fixed bug 0004061: IReport supplies (OLD) JDBC Drivers that can't be replaced without building - Fixed bug 0004119: Cancel Meter Intervals Dialog removes All Intervals - Fixed bug 0004019: java.sql.Timestamp parameter contains wrong value - Fixed bug 0004021: iReport 3.5.2 compatibility save removes group footers - Fixed bug 0004121: default value of runToBottom property misrepresented in checkbox - Fixed bug 0004142: Report designer has no fields on a CSV source - Fixed bug 0004017: Bad encoding of characters with accents in JRXML - Fixed bug 0004104: HQLFieldsReader deals incorrectly with fields of primitive types - Fixed bug 0004078: iReport 3.5.1 or 3.5.2 freeze when trying to add multiple list components to a Frame - Improved expression editor - Fixed bug 14693 applying a style corrupts jrxml - Fixed bug 14817 Cannot create simple report - Fixed bug 14906 - CSV data source does not handle row separators as expected - Fixed bug renaming conditional styles - Added support for Ignore Width property for crosstabs - Added support for Label Item for Pie and Bar charts - Automatic opening of output files using OS features (for Win32 and MacOS) - Added edit with external text editor menu item - iReport is set as default txt, csv and xml viewer if a viewer application is not set in the properties - iReport tries now to automatically detect the system browser for HTML preview - Added new templates - Added a button to save a page as png (for template thumbnail porpuses) in the preview toolbar - Improved template wizard with ability to read jrxml properties to drive the template generation - New template chooser with integrated wizard - Fixed bug 14622 - [Case #8466] The separators setting for the CSV datasource is not retained after iReport is restarted - Fixed bug 14505 - Ship Vertica JDBC driver with iReport Pro - Fixed bug 15001 - [Case #9242] crosstab measure expression class incorrectly set in iReport - Fixed bug 14815 - [Case #9134] iR 3.5.2 - Compatibility Mode changes only after saving the report - Fixed bug 14616 - Property "Legend font" should be "Legend Font" - Fixed bug 14602 - [case #8859] Report Wizard does not suggest default Datasource 2009-06-03 Version 3.5.2 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed bug 3785: [Bugs iReport - NB] Right-click OPEN SUBREPORT does nothing - Fixed bug 964: [Bugs iReport - NB] Barcode not work in netbeans plugin - Fixed bug 3781: [Bugs iReport - NB] Ad Hoc Available Fields missing field names - Fixed bug 3958: [Bugs iReport - NB] Timeseries chart and subdataset grouping - Fixed bug 3973: [Bugs iReport - NB] Exception thrown when trying to set a rectangle's pen property - Fixed bug 3974: [Bugs iReport - NB] Error when creating multi-axis chart - Fixed bug 3982: [Bugs iReport - NB] iReport 3.5.1 freezes during update - Fixed bug 3991: [Bugs iReport - NB] ClassPath Library for JasperReports netBeans plugin missing files. - Fixed bug 3937: [Bugs iReport - NB] Add group wizard creates mysterious header/footer combos - Fixed bug 3915: [Bugs iReport - NB] Repository Navigator retrieves username in properties box incorrectly - Added a Wait cursor while loading a jrxml - Subreport directory is persisted when using the subreport wizard - Added ability to copy and paste subdatasets - Inspector view filters for built-in variables and parameters - Added ability to see the styles in a jrtx file in the inspector view - Improved styles library - Fixed cell selection in Crosstab - Added iReport TXT exporter - Added support for pluggable exporters - Added XPath2 support (a special datasuorce for remote XML files) - New ability to generate jrxml compatible with old versions of JasperReports - Support for Barcode4J component - Updated to JasperReports 3.5.2 - Support for Barbecue component - Support for sections (multiple bands) for detail, group headers and group footers - Added Remove Margins feature to remove the document margins when editing report to be used as subreports - Added Transform in feature to transform several elements in other elements - Removed confirmation dialog on element delete (added an option to activate it in the options panel) - Added the compile action (to compile a report without preview it) on the visual view toolbar and as menu item for the report inspector root node - Fixed undo operation for element gruops on move - Fixed bands size check - New auto stick-to-band feature (elements are moved in the most suitable band when moved with the mouse) - Added Maximize Band Height context menu action - Fixed band height constraints verifier (based on the JasperReports JRVerifier rules) - The background band is now shown on a different page in the designer window and at the end of the bands list - Added mouse wheel support to vertically scroll the design view 2009-05-04 Version 3.5.1 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed bug 14367 Fields, parameters and variables missing in hyperlink anchor expression editor - Fixed bug 3811 [Bugs iReport - NB] Problem Menu-Visualizza-Report Designer - Fixed bug 3767 [Bugs iReport - NB] ReportQueryDialog expects JRDesignField instead of interface JRField - Improved multi selection (shift+click). - Fixed bug 3708 [Bugs iReport - NB] Control Click Shifts Fields (giulio) - Fixed bug 3790 [Bugs iReport - NB] Using arrows to move StaticText element actually moving other iReport controls - Fixed bug 3659 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Called DataObject.find on null - Fixed bug 3852 Report Unit creation using JRXML from repo - Updated to JasperReports 3.5.1 - Added support for the new List component of JasperReports - Fixed bug 3792 JRDataSource needs an empty constructor when used in iReport - Fixed bug 3746 Unable to load images from a relative path when the relative path is from a location specified in the classpath - Fixed bug 3760 Hibernate version bundled in iReport-3.5 is ancient, doesn't support AnnotationConfiguration - Fixed bug 3692 BigDecimal Parameter Not Accepting User Entry - Fixed bug 3715 Incorrect Dialog Label for Subreport Parameters - Fixed bug 3716 Restart Required for Subreport Parameters - Fixed bug 3720 Subdataset fields retrieve in Termomether chart - Added bring to front and send to back context menu items for elements - Added group elements and ungroup elements context menu items for elements - Added format tools as context menu for elements - Added edit pattern context menu item for textfield elements - Added edit textfield expression context menu item for textfield elements - Changed cut and paset operation to select the pasted elements and shift them of 10 pixels 2009-03-25 Version 3.5.0 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Ability to export a chart theme as jasperreports extension (jar) - New page format dialog - Support for Jrxml Java imports - Added JR Properties viewer in the options (for now read only) - Fixed bug 14199 Test button for Query Executer Mode Doesn't work - Fixed bug 14198 Field Provider Error - Fixed bug 14195 Using subdatasets in charts/crosstab - Fixed bug 14195 Unable to create a dummy group - Fixed bug 14193 Unable to change order style conditions - Added DnD support for conditional styles - Several chart theme editor bug fixeds and improvements - Copy and paste support for charts and crosstabs - Fixed a problem connecting to Mondrian (OLAP server) - New ability to open a file dragging it in the editor - New ability to open Jasper binary files (converting them in jrxmls) - Added support for opening file on command line - Fixed bug 3569 CSV Datasource setting saved incorrectly - New option to disable crosstab cell auto-layout - New option to see only the element keys in the outline view - Added support to specify a compilation directory - Fixed bug 13841 Error when creating a domain report - Fixed bug 13842 iReport generates unrecognized file when using Report Wizard - Fixed bug 13557 Class not set for dataset - Fixed bug 13119 iReport should allow uploading NetBeans JDBC connections to JasperServer - Fixed bug 13128 Subreport not included - Fixed bug 13184 [Case #7768] missing bar chart orientation in 3.1.2 - Fixed bug 13285 [Case #7746] jrxml config flaky - config value turns to null - Fixed bug 13309 [7767] special symbol causes iReport error - Fixed bug 13320 "ReportExecution" hyperlink type should be available in all hyperlinks in iReport - Fixed bug 13413 Opening Ad Hoc reports should give a warning in iReport - Fixed bug 13420 Regression: Subreport not added as a resource - Fixed bug 13425 Default evaluation time for a new chart should be "Report" - Fixed bug 13426 Thermometer and meter charts don't work - Fixed bug 13673 refresh issue wtih internationalized text and empty datasources - Fixed bug 13702 Can't delete scriptlets - Fixed bug 13703 It is possible to save invalid scriptlet references so a report cannot be reopened - Fixed bug 13749 Installer + iReport: CE version: JS Plugin Connect String has -pro in it - Fixed bug 13833 iReport Plugin- not able to link to existing input control - Fixed bug 13895 Report description should not be limited to 100 chars - Fixed bug 13920 [Case #8158] Class not set for database error when passing subdataset parameter - Fixed bug 13167 [Case #7750] Padding and Borders dialog not working properly - Fixed bug 13186 [Case #7749] text field tooltip incorrect - Fixed bug 12333 [Case #7100] Inapproriate error messages for ClassNotFoundExceptions - Fixed bug 8610 Enh: Admin User cannot move (or copy) a report to a different folder - Fixed bug 10987 iReport should take advantage of web services support of changing input control display types - Fixed bug 11812 [Case #6353] Need "always prompt" check box when using plugin in iReport - Fixed bug 12878 [Case #7489] Style library and Format Styles missing in 3.1.2 - Fixed bug 12786 Refresh issue with frames - Fixed bug 13636 "Relodable" should be "Reloadable" - Fixed bug 12944 Print When Expressio should be Print When Expression - Fixed bug 13672 query executer drop down in report properties panel doesn't show new QEs - Fixed bug 13674 Minor typo in classpath dialog window - Added Page Number, Total Page Number, Page X of Y, Current date tools - Fixed bug 3552 Report wizard don't save file with a jrxml extension - Fixed bug 3565 Styles - Vertical Alignment Property Bug - New styles library - Colored corners for element selection showing the element status (blue: primary selection, gray: secondary selection, green: partial overlap, pink: total overlap) - New double click to fit the band height with the content - Added Remove horizontal and vertical space between elements - Added menu Format and several key accelerators - Added option to turn off magnetic attraction - Report preview set as "need refresh" when options are changed - Fixed locale selector dialog - Fixed JRCTX and JRTX designers close operation - Fixed a bug with TimeZone option setting 2009-01-13 Version 3.1.4 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - New Styles designer - New Chart Theme designer - New real time charts preview - Fixed bug 3400 "Close" keeps documents open in memory "Save all" then saves them - Fixed bug 3523 Column width property not updated when switching between portrait and landscape - Fixed bug 3521 No way to set labelFormat and legendLabelFormat properties - Fixed bug 3518 Wrong encoding of XML report file - Fixed bug 3474 Crosstab Measure defined through wizard has always "count" ; property - Fixed bug 3473 Loading report with chart throws SAXParseException - Fixed bug 3458 Crosstab data setting problem - Fixed bug 3457 Greek Language Problems - Fixed bug 3353 no way to change z-order of report elements - Fixed bug 3352 no way to change order of groups - Fixed bug 3346 "Add Group" Dialog iReport 3.1.2 - Fixed bug 3323 Subreport Parameterlist resets after cancel - Fixed bug 3322 iReport-nb-3.1.2 cannot open Chart Data for multi-axis - Fixed bug 3292 org.xml.sax.SAXParseExce ption : Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence - Fixed bug 3247 Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 - Fixed bug 3238 Save option disabled in xml editor - Fixed bug 3237 switching to xml editor loses toolbuttons - Fixed bug 3236 deleting filter does not remove <filterExpression > - Fixed bug 3120 Chart data source being deleted - Fixed bug 3105 Encoding changed using XML view and 3.1.0 2009-01-13 Version 3.1.3 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed a problem with the subreport parameters - Improved support for custom components - Fixed "Import..." and "Export..." button in the editor dialog - Fixed some MacOS related bugs - Fixed crosstab buttons - New feature to reorder groups - Support for dataset groups - Configurable options for exporters - New reloadable option for classpath paths - Ability to add an element to a frame just dragging the element into it - Fixed element z-ordering and z-order display - Added scrollbars to the query text area. - Replaced filter expression dialog. - Fixed Import/export expression feature - Fixed textfield pattern dialog - Fixed Field Sorting - Fixed Crosstab Preorder checkbox 2008-11-04 Version 3.1.2 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Support for JavaScript as report language - Support for virtualizers - Support for pdf508 - New API to add custom tools to the palette - Improved JasperServer plugin (support for JasperServer 3.1) - Full i18n support - New bundled charts themes - Updated to JasperReports 3.1.2 - Several bug fixes 2008-09-17 Version 3.1.1 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Support to run the proper application viewer after exporting - Fixed some expressions issues - Added a new image file chooser for image elements - New wizard templates installation process - Support for resource bundles - Support for charts themes - Updated to JasperReports 3.1.1 - Added hypelink top and parent targets - Fixed XML parsing 2008-08-05 Version 3.1.0 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Fixed classpath extender - Fixed crosstab measure renaming - Fixed variable/param/field renaming - New error handler - Added the formatting tools window - Added hints component to the property dialog - Added elements properties and expression properties - Added hypelink top and parent targets - Fixed bug opening the hyperlink window 2008-07-07 Version 0.9.2 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Support for JasperServer 3.0 - Fixed Maven plugin compatibility (IDE) - Removed xalan (to avoid Mac users problems) - Updated to JasperServer 3.0 - New toolbar in preview window 2008-04-07 Version 0.9.1 released _______________________________________________________________________________ - Support for crosstab - Support for borders and pens - Support for conditional styles - Several bug fixes - Upgraded to JasperReports 2.0.5 - Fully compatible with NB 6.1 2008-02-17 Version 0.9.0 released _______________________________________________________________________________ For more information visit http://www.jasperforge.org/ireport